Tomahawk Launcher

I’ve made a Tomahawk Launcher in minecraft.

It’s  got a entire Tomahawk Missle loaded with TNT on top.

 It has got tonnes of controls (leavers and buttons) in side of it.

 Finally at the back the funnel is  5 blocks by 5 blocks

My Airfield

    This is the airfied I’ve built in Minecraft. 🙂 I built it for fun.The airfield is based on Command & conquer generals.

     It is very hard to make.You need to find or make a flat space to build it on. I’ve made it with four Raptors 

    The runway is about 55 blocks long wich is extremely long

    I’ve also added a tower to it.

     It also comes with a helipad  that is about 15 by 15 blocks long

                 The inside of the hanger has lights made of glow stone and glass panes to separate it.

     I’m going to add some thing to the back of my airfield because the back of it looks strange 


    My Minecraft house

    Hello this is my new house on minecraft. I built it on a swamp. 

    I made a cacti moat as shown to keep mobs away. The cacti is 2 bloks apart so I can go through it with out getting hurt.

    I also made a farm with sugar canes, melons, pumpkins and wheat. This is so I can get food from my house.

    Inside the house there’s an attic, a main room and a cellar storage room.

    The attic is not complete yet. I was going to put in a chimney, a window, a bedroom and a balcony. Because it looks boring from the outside. 

    The living room is not complete either. I was going to put in a TV with a secret room. So I can store treasure!

    The cellar is complete. It is my storage room. I store lots of items in it. So it’s all safe.

    What is a mob trap on Minecraft?

    A mob trap is a place where mobs spawn and die then the player collects the loot dropped by the mob.

    This is a simple idea for a mob trap.


    It works like this:Mobs spawn in the spawning chamber.Then follow a river current. That goes up a water elevator. After that they die in lava dropping loot. That follows another river current. Then the loot falls down a 2 by 1 hole. That leads to 2 hoppers that then leads to a double chest. Then a player collects the loot.

    LAB island

    I am making a sky island challenge Its quite difficult to build and play apparently:(

    It’s a lot of floating Islands. About 5-10 Islands.

    And one of the islands has a lab!